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Decorative Arts

For lovers of decorative art, collectors or interior designers, Artmark provides a large array of art pieces, European and Oriental china collections, fabulous items of silver or glass, manually woven carpets, ornamental statuettes, small-size fine furniture, folk costumes from various countries, as well as many other vintage accessories.


Additional information about selling with us or if you want to make a consignment proposal:

Consignment rules consignment-rules Consign with us consignment-rules

Dr. Mircea Alexandru Hortopan Ministry of Culture Certified Expert

Liliana Manoliu Ministry of Culture Certified Expert

Liviu Matei GIA (Gemological Institute of America) certified expert

Consignment and appraisal

Simona Oprea Decorative Arts
Art Evaluation Office Manager
0728 054 340

Ilinca Moldoveanu Art Evaluation Office Junior 0757 116 748

Luoana Breha-Vizireanu Senior Relationship Manager Decorative Arts, Watches & Jewellery 0756 056 100